EV dynamics conference 2025

A intensive conference tailored to your needs to reinvigorate your ideas into the e-mobility industry, partnered with Top-Tier manufacturers in India to inspire aspiring Entrepreneurs and young enthusiasts to build the next-gen technologies in the electric vehicle industry.

Why to attend

Be ready for an exclusive B2B Conference and Exhibition Platform for the below Topics, we are committed to bridging the gap among businesses in the e-mobility domain and reducing pollution & giving us a go-green environment industry. With the support of Government agencies, Private players, and the Public. We hope to bring best practices into the industry for better living for generations to come.


  • Latest market intelligence addressing the electrical infrastructure and EV charging points for the eMobility market.

  • Latest plans and policies on EVs and charging infrastructure Understand the current market dynamics of the electrical power industry.

  • Explore the emerging opportunities in the EV charging space.

  • Strategies for infrastructure development for public and private charge points.

  • Information on funding initiatives and rebate programs in key states.

  • Latest market intelligence addressing the electrical infrastructure and EV charging points for the eMobility market.

  • Latest trends with an overview and projections for the automotive and electrical Vehicle industry.

Exclusive B2B Conference and Exhibition Topics

International Conference on Electric, Hybrid Vehicle and Battery Testing

Seminar On Hybrid Cars /Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV)

International Conference on Electric Vehicle Engineering and Technologies

Electric Vehicles and Battery Technologies in INDIA

International Symposium on Battery Management Technologies for Future

Electric Vehicles and its Safety Measures

Charging Infrastructure Symposium for Electric Vehicles

Conference on Advances in Battery Technologies for Electric Vehicles

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Hours of Caliber Content
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The Event Will bring Together the Entire EV Value Chain Under One Roof.